It is the team representative's responsibility to make their players aware of the rules governing the league
A team must have a minimum of four (4) players to start the game.
A ten minute grace period will be given to teams with fewer than 4 players or teams arriving late.
Teams must be present fifteen (15) minutes prior to their scheduled game time. (This is to prevent unnecessary injuries)
Games consist of two (2) twenty-five (25) minute halves, running time, except for the last 2 minutes - of second half. The clock will not stop if the lead is 11 points or more. Halftime will be (1:30).
Teams are permitted one 30-second time out in first half and two 30-second time outs in the second half. One 30-second time out will be allotted in any overtime period.
Any player or coaches ejected from a game should leave the team bench area, failure to do so will result in the termination of the game.
The league will be played under F.I.B.A rules, with a few exceptions: - 24 second shot clock will be to referee’s counting discretion - Technical fouls will be 2 automatic points to the other team and the ball.
In the event of a tie, there will be a three (3) minute overtime period, running time, except for the last two minutes.
Bonus will be awarded on the eight (8th) team foul, free throws will be taken at the end of the first half if a team fouls intentionally to run out the clock under a minute even if they are not in bonus yet.
All players are expected to exhibit proper sportsmanship behaviour at all times. Unsportsmanlike conduct such as "trash talking", gesturing, taunting etc. is strictly forbidden and could result in automatic ejection.
Fighting, swearing or other unsportsmanlike conduct towards opponents, teammates, coaches, referees or spectators is strictly forbidden and could result in automatic ejection from the league.
The spirit of AK REC leagues must always be adhered to which is to provide its participants a positive recreational experience incorporating a high spirit of sportsmanship, fair play and mutual respect between players.
5 games minimum must be played during regular season to qualify for playoffs (This will be strictly enforced)
A 50 dollar fine will be handed out to a team that defaults. Payment will go to their opponents who showed up the following week without exceptions.
The semifinals and finals will be stop time the whole way through. Four, ten minute quarters with 2 timeouts in the first and 3 in the second half, 5 total fouls to reach bonus per quarter. Overtime will be 5 minute stop time with one time out per team allotted.
In the quarterfinals the last 5 minutes of regulation will be stop time if differential is 20 or less.
In the event of a tie in the standings at the conclusion of the regular season, the final rankings are determined by head to head matchups between the teams in question during the regular season, should there be multiple teams with same record point differential within those games final scores is used as the deciding factor in reseeding accordingly
A team must have a minimum of four (4) players to start the game. Should one team only have four players the two options are to play four on five or ask captain of full team if they approve the insertion of a player from a previous game from another team to complete their depleted opponent’s lineup and the game count towards the official standings.
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